Thursday, April 16, 2020

Don't Just Stand There

Got overweight during secondary section part of  school life.

Finally during college days ( 20 yr ) I went to fitness centre at hometown to move out of the sedentary lifestyle , after having high uric acid level and pain in knees 

Simple stretching and exercise on coming months with a healthy food choice I lost 13 kg ( from 66 - 53). For the next 2 year I kept balancing with the final year study and exercise. Even it gave me the confidence to compete for SSC exam . Lethargy is no excuse.

Years passed as I moved to city life for job , tried to be regular going to gym and got roommates who inspired not to give up of fitness. 

I registered for 10k run on Dec'2012 but did not turn up for the race.
Subsequntly again I registered for 10k runs on 2015 & 2016  but did not turn up.

Transformation isn't just about losing weight. Transformation can be about so much more. 

It took 30 years to complete my first 5k run cum walk. Sometimes it's the internal transformation that is its own best reward.

The desire to explore yourself is one of the most basic instincts of the human nature. It is therapeutic and the ultimate source to find your zen.

2017 onwards, gratitude for the small successes kept pushing me to particpate more 5k , 10k races.

The more you can focus on what you're doing right, the more confident and energised you'll be to keep on going.You can't beat yourself over the finish line folks. You've got to learn to truly love yourself unconditionally and keep on encouraging yourselves to grow in the right direction.

It works like an antithesis where you compete with yourself and success leaves you in want of more.

As we progress in life, creating milestones and achieving them, we should not forget our gratitude to everyone who has been instrumental in making our lives easier, even if in a small way.
My first fitness instructor Rishi Da will keep inspring me always. 

In this journey I keep meeting  and always keen on learning from the various trainers.
Fitness is the ability to keep going on when others have surrendered a long time back.

We also need to remember that our existence on this planet is finite.

Do whatever makes your body flexible and lighter .Be selfish and take out time every day for yourself.

Certainly this has been my long, slow journey.

Train, eat, recover and repeat! Do that repeatedly — day after day — and that's how you'll be able to imbibe real fitness in your life , Don't Just Stand There !!

Income – Savings = Expenses

The most common mistake people make is planning to save with the wrong formula Income - Expenses = Savings

We have to forcefully save money and manage expenses in the balance amount left.

But a prior allocation to saving is what we should opt for.Clear financial goals and proper planning helps in saving too. Another disruption we see that hinders our saving is Lifestyle Infaltion.

Lifestyle inflation means the increase in one's spending in proportion to an increase in income. In short, salaries have gone up, spendings have gone up and savings have gone down.

There is no harm in buying materialistic things but that has to be within limits.Learn to differentiate between what you fancy and what you need.

Remember, 'SALE' means the company wants to make a sale; it's for them, not for you.

Just like humans binge on food when they are depressed, they also tend to shop for instant gratification. which is just temporary. In the present economic turmoil, please do not fall into this trap.

Once you start maintaining an expense sheet on monthly basis, you will automatically tend to be more cautious while spending.